La « conception scientifique du monde » et sa version américaine de 1936 à nos jours

Christiane Chauviré

Résumé :
Christiane Chauviré sketches the history of the idea of a “scientific philosophy,”; from the Vienna Circle to today’s “neuro-philosophy.”; Since the 1930s, the romantic vision of a spiritual community of “service intellectuals”;, serving a cultural, philosophical and social cause, has gradually given way a to “professional,”; professedly scientific brand of philosophy patterned after the “neuro-sciences.”; Deliberately disregarding the warnings issued by Khun and other heralds of the crisis of rationality, it cultivates the ideal of the purity of science and of a philosophy unencumbered by metaphysics.
Date de publication : 2008-07-15

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Christiane Chauviré, « La « conception scientifique du monde » et sa version américaine de 1936 à nos jours », Cycnos, 2008-07-15. URL :